
Elmhurst Artists' Guild Spring Members Show 2019

The oil painting “Kiva” on display with other fine art produced by the members of the guild.


oil on canvas, 36" x 26"

The oil painting "Kiva," by James Negley, takes its inspiration from the Anasazi cave dwellers from the south west. The forms and shapes of their buildings have fascinated James from a young age and permeates aspects of his present work. The round kiva structure found in their cliff cities were spiritual and sacred meeting places, and the sense of home and structure in that time continues into today's communities. Even with the presence of the Internet and digital media, the need for a physical location where people can meet and connect is ever important. James explores the power of the sacred space as one aspect of all his work.

  • When 
    April 7 through May 10, 2019
  • Opening Reception 
    Friday, April 12,  from 7:00 to 9:00pm
  • Where 
    Elmhurst Art Museum, Elmhurst, Illinois Map

Learn about the exhibition